Lab Module 5 - Copy Number Analysis
First login into the cloud.
Now enter the ~/workspace directory
cd ~/workspace
Create a directory for this module and enter this directory:
mkdir Module5
cd Module5
Now let’s create a link to some helper scripts we will need for this module:
ln -s /home/ubuntu/CourseData/CG_data/Module5/scripts
In this section, we will set some environment variables to help facilitate the execution of commands. These variables will set the location of some important files we need for the commands in this module. One important thing to remember is that:
These variables that you set will only persist in this current session you are in. If you log out and log back into the server, you will have to set these variables again.
Set the directory to where the Affymetrix SNP 6.0 normalization files are:
Set the directory to where Affymetrix power tools is installed:
Set the path to cell definition file for Affymetrix SNP 6.0:
Oncosnp locations:
GC content files for oncosnp:
Summary of all the above environment commands (for copy and pasting convenience):
Analysis Of CNAs using Arrays
For calling copy number variants from Affymetrix SNP 6.0 data, we will be using breast cancer cell-line (HC1395). The array data for HCC1395 has already been downloaded for you. We will be using the [PennCNV-Affy protocol |] for pre-processing the Affymetrix SNP 6.0 data |
Fetch Array Data
ln -s /home/ubuntu/CourseData/CG_data/HCC1395
Create a list of the cel files to be used by downstream tools. In practice we would normalize many arrays in a batch. For demonstration purposes we use just a single tumour.
echo cel_files > cel_file_list.txt
echo `pwd`/HCC1395/cel/GSM888107.CEL >> cel_file_list.txt
Step 1 - Array Normalization
The first step in array analysis is to normalize the data and extract the log R and BAF (B Allele Frequencies). The following steps will create normalized data from Affymetrix SNP 6.0 data. We require a number of data files that define the Affymetrix SNP 6.0 arrays.
The sketch file gives the reference signal distribution to be used for normalization.
The cluster file defines genotype clusters from HapMap, and is used for small batches.
Chromosome positions for each probe.
Once these reference files have been defined, we can now perform probeset summarization:
$APT_DIR/bin/apt-probeset-summarize --cdf-file $SNP6_CDF \
--analysis quant-norm.sketch=50000,pm-only,med-polish,expr.genotype=true \
--target-sketch $SKETCH_FILE --out-dir results/apt \
--cel-files cel_file_list.txt --chip-type GenomeWideEx_6 \
--chip-type GenomeWideSNP_6
Step 2 - Extract BAF & LRR
Now that normalization is complete, we can extract the B-allele frequencies (BAF) and log R ratios (LRR).
mkdir -p results/array
results/apt/ \
-locfile $LOC_FILE -out results/array/gw6.lrr_baf.txt
The BAF and LRR values for every sample in the batch will be placed into a single file. The next step will be split them into sample specific BAF and LRR files for downstream analyses (even though we only have one sample, we will still do this to follow a consistent workflow):
perl scripts/penncnv/ results/array/gw6.lrr_baf.txt split 2 -tab -head 3 \
-name --output results/array/gw6
The sample-specific BAF and LRR files will be placed in results/array/gw6*
. The file structure is one probe per line, giving the position, normalized log R and BAF for each probe.
less -S results/array/gw6.GSM888107
Press the “q” key to exit the less program when you are finished viewing the file.
Name | Chr | Position | GSM888107.CEL Log R Ratio | GSM888107.CEL.B Allele Freq |
SNP_A-2131660 | 1 | 1156131 | 0.3040 | 0.0501 |
SNP_A-1967418 | 1 | 2234251 | -0.0355 | 1.0000 |
SNP_A-1969580 | 1 | 2329564 | -0.2625 | 0.9403 |
SNP_A-4263484 | 1 | 2553624 | -0.3366 | 0.9780 |
SNP_A-1978185 | 1 | 2936870 | -0.0276 | 0.0528 |
SNP_A-4264431 | 1 | 2951834 | -0.1812 | 0.0272 |
SNP_A-1980898 | 1 | 3095126 | 0.0830 | 0.9793 |
The OncoSNP manual recommends only using the SNP probes and not the CNA probes for analysis. This is because the CNA probes only give you information on one allele and thus may confound the analysis. You can refer the “Can I use Affymetrix data?” question in the FAQ section for more information about this.
grep -v -P 'CN_\d+' results/array/gw6.GSM888107 > results/array/gw6.GSM888107.snp_probes
Step 3 - Call CNA
Now that we have the BAF and LRR data we will use OncoSNP to analyze this data. Create a working directory for OncoSNP.
mkdir -p results/oncosnp
OncoSNP has many command line parameters, and most will not change between runs of different datasets. Below is an example of how you could run it:
--sampleid HCC1395 \
--tumour-file results/array/gw6.GSM888107.snp_probes \
--output-dir results/oncosnp \
--fulloutput --plot \
--gcdir $GC_DIR \
--paramsfile $ONCOSNP_DIR/data/cyau/temp/oncosnp/configuration/hyperparameters-affy.dat \
--levelsfile $ONCOSNP_DIR/configuration/levels-affy.dat \
--subsample 30 \
--emiters 1 \
--female \
--trainingstatesfile $ONCOSNP_DIR/configuration/trainingStates.dat \
--tumourstatesfile $ONCOSNP_DIR/configuration/tumourStates.dat \
--chr 21 \
--hgtables $ONCOSNP_DIR/configuration/hgTables_b37.txt \
> results/oncosnp/run.log 2> results/oncosnp/run.err &
Some important parameters to consider:
- –tumour-file: Specify the location of where the BAF and LRR values are for the sample
- –chr: Specify the chromosome you want to run on. In this example, we run only on chromosome 21 since it can take awhile for the whole genome. Don’t specify this parameter for whole genome analysis.
- –stroma: This parameter can be specified for normal content adjustment. As this is a cell-line, we did not set this.
- –intratumor: This parameter can be specified for correcting intratumor heterogeneity. As this is a cell-line, we did not set this.
- –normal-file: If you have a matching normal, you can specify it here. OncoSNP will then perform a paired analysis mode. As we have no matching normal here, we leave this parameter unspecified.
- –emiters: Maximum number of expectation-maximization steps to use during training. By default this is set to 10. But we change it to 1 to speed up the processing for this lab.
The &
character at the end of the above command sends the job to run in the background. Rather then print the progress of the job to screen, this command will send output of OncoSNP to a log file. We can monitor the progress of the program by examining this file.
less -S results/oncosnp/run.log
Similarly the errors are also sent to a file which we can explore.
less -S results/oncosnp/run.err
We can see if the script is still running by looking at our background jobs
To bring the job back into the foreground, type
To put it in the background again, suspend it using conrol-z, then type
When the program finishes we can go to the output folder and browse the results.
ls -lh results/oncosnp
The first key file is the .qc file which outputs some basic quality control values and some parameters. Probably the most interesting value is the stromal contamination i.e. fraction of normal cells. Two values are reported by default because OncoSNP does multiple analysis runs (initialized two different baseline ploidy configurations: diploid and non-diploid). The first value is the most probable.
less -S results/oncosnp/HCC1395.qc
LogRRatioShift | NormalContent | Copy Number (Average) | Log-likelihood | OutlierRate | LogRRatioStd | BAlleleFreqStd | PloidyNo |
-0.1710 | 0.0 | 2.0 | 1156.17639 | 0.010 | 0.237 | 0.041 | 1 |
-0.1099 | 0.0 | 1.9 | 1098.29187 | 0.010 | 0.237 | 0.041 | 2 |
Next is .cnvs file which contains the smoothed segments with there copy number prediction.
less -S results/oncosnp/HCC1395.cnvs
Chromosome | StartPosition | EndPosition | CopyNumber | LOH | Rank | Loglik | nProbes | NormalFraction | TumourState | PloidyNo | MajorCopyNumber | MinorCopyNumber |
21 | 10913441 | 11039570 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 11.732701 | 8 | 0.0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
21 | 14369207 | 48084747 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 31023.688404 | 12520 | 0.0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
21 | 38323528 | 40232808 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 634.355920 | 763 | 0.0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
21 | 47133549 | 48084747 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 314.794518 | 265 | 0.0 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
21 | 43993615 | 44503173 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 56.394753 | 200 | 0.0 | 21 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
21 | 14369207 | 14775085 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 7.201958 | 24 | 0.0 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
The last file we will look at is the .cnv file. This is essentially a more informative version of the .cnvs file. One column of particular interest is the “Tumour State” column. This is an integer >= 1 which represents the most likely state of the HMM for that segment.
Step 4: Visualize Results
less -S results/oncosnp/HCC1395.cnvs
The final interesting file that OncoSNP produces is the plots HCC1395.*.ps.gz. Download this file from:
Try to open up and visualize the chromosome plots from OncoSNP. If you have trouble opening these files, then you can also download them from the wiki.
Analysis Of CNAs using Sequencing Data
The workflow for analyzing CNAs using sequencing data is not dramatically different from microarrays. The major differences is starting with aligned sequencing data (bam files) rather than raw microarray data (e.g. CEL).
The sample we will be using is the same breast cancer cell line we used for the microarray analysis section. This time we will be using the matching exome sequencing data.
Fetch Sequencing Data
The raw sequencing data has been downloaded and aligned for you (See data preparation). Create a hardlink to the folder containing these data (if not already completed from the “Analysis of CNA using Array” section already)
ln -s /home/ubuntu/CourseData/CG_data/HCC1395
Get Input Data
We will be using TITAN, available as a R Bioconductor package (TitanCNA), for the copy number analysis. The program has the ability to perform the normalization, extraction of LRR/BAF, and calling of CNAs. But before we can use TITAN, we need a few input files:
- Tumour/Normal read count data
- Total number of reads within a bin size (default 1000) across the genome
- Tumour allele counts for normal heterozygous positions
- Number of reads that support the different alleles at the heterozygous positions
- Genome reference mappability file
- Genome reference GC content file
Generating these files can take a bit of time. So for this lab, they have been already been generated for you and can be copied for running (Please see the “Data Preparation” page for details on how these files were generated).
Copy the tumour and normal read count data:
mkdir -p hmmCopy/wig
cp /home/ubuntu/CourseData/CG_data/Module5/hmmCopy/wig/* hmmCopy/wig
Copy the tumour allele count data:
mkdir -p titan/bcftools/tables
cp /home/ubuntu/CourseData/CG_data/Module5/titan/bcftools/tables/* titan/bcftools/tables/
Create a link for the folder containing the genome reference along with its mappability and GC content file:
ln -s /home/ubuntu/CourseData/CG_data/ref_data
Running TITAN
Once these input files have been retrieved/generated, we can now run TITAN. An R script scripts/run_titan.R
is provided to run TITAN.
Rscript scripts/run_titan.R &> run_titan.log &
Just like the OncoSNP run, this will run in the background. You can check the progress of the job by going:
less -S run_titan.log
Press “q” to escape the less command when you are done viewing. This will take a few minutes to run. Take this time to review the script itself. Please ask any questions regarding the content of the script:
less -S scripts/run_titan.R
This script will create the directory results/titan
which contains the TITAN results. This script will generate plots, but requires X11 forwarding to work which isn’t enabled. For the purposes of this lab, the corresponding HCC1395 TITAN Plot for this run can be downloaded on the wiki to be visualized.
Additionally segment and IGV compatible segment (.seg) files can be generated using a Perl script:
perl scripts/ -id=test -infile=results/titan/HCC1395_exome_tumour.results.txt \
-outfile=results/titan/HCC1395_exome_tumour.results.segs.txt \
The relevance of these segment .seg files will be discussed at the end of this lab.
Exome vs. Genome
The workflow for applying TITAN to genome is the same as applying it to exomes. The only difference is that you don’t need to specify the capture region in genomes as you do in exomes. This occurs in the scripts/run_titan.R
specially at line 24:
cnData <- correctReadDepth(tumWig, normWig, gcWig, mapWig, genomeStyle = "NCBI", targetedSequence = exomeCaptureSpaceDf)
Where the targetedSequence
parameter specifies the capture space. If you are using genomes, then don’t specify this parameter. Everything else should be the same.
Data Exploration
Visualizing Seg Files in IGV
Both OncoSNP and TITAN will produce sample-specific chromosome plots of the copy number data. If you are comparing across multiple samples, you can use the .seg files for this. This format for copy number has become a de facto standard format for reporting copy number results. You can go to the IGV website for more specific details regarding the SEG format.
The seg file from the METABRIC can be downloaded from the wiki and opened in IGV for visualizing.
Make sure to change the genome to hg18 as the data was generated using hg18.
- File -> Load from File…
- Tracks -> Fit Data to Window
Analyzing the CNA Results in R
We can use a programming language like R to do further analyses on the CNA results. Download the “CNA Data Analysis Package ” from the wiki now. Extract it, and open the analyze-CNA.Rmd file in RStudio.