
Epigenomic Data Analysis 2016

Workshop pages for students

Course Schedule

Schedule for June 20 to June 21, 2016

Workshop Q/A Forum

Post your workshop questions here!

Workshop Survey

We appreciate your feedback! Please fill out our survey!

Class Picture

Class photo

Laptop Setup Instructions

Instructions to setup your laptop can be found here.

Pre-workshop Readings

Introduction to High-Performance Computing

Introduction to Compute Canada

Introduction to epigenomics

Additional reading on ChIP-Seq

Additional reading on Methylation analysis

Pre-workshop Tutorials

UNIX Preparation tutorials: Please complete tutorials #1-3 on UNIX

Unix cheat sheet

IGV Tutorial: Review how to use IGV Genome Browser if you have not used this tool before.

UCSC Genome Browser tutorial

FastQC Introduction and examples

YouTube Playlist for Recorded Lectures

Recorded Lectures’ Playlist

R Review Session


RScript to use for Review

RScript to view Results

Day 1


Ann Meyer

Module 1: Introduction to ChIP Sequencing and Analysis

Martin Hirst


Recorded Lecture

Lecture on Compute Canada

Using the Guillimin HPC

Lab practical

Module 2: ChIP-Seq Alignment, Peak Calling, and Visualization

Misha Bilenky


Recorded Lecture

Lab practical

Day 2

Module 3: Introduction to WGBS and Analysis

Guillaume Bourque


Recorded Lecture

Lab practical

Module 4: Downstream Analyses and Integrative Tools

David Bujold


Lab practical

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